Monday, August 31, 2009

James Whitehead

I found this little tidbit and thought others might enjoy it -- It concerns my Great-great Grandfather. I think my uncle 'C' and my brother 'K' have the same eyes as James (above).

Date: 1880-07-14; Paper: Deseret News, published as: The Deseret News

His Seventy-Seventh Year.—

Father James Whitehead, of the 19th Ward, celebrated his 77th birthday on the 30 ult., at Springville, where a surprise party was tendered him by his amiable wife, Amelia. An enjoyable feast was partaken of by his friends, and during the proceedings the aged veteran gave a brief lecture on Bible History. We learn the above from a correspondent. Brother Whitehead will accept our congratulations on his attaining an advanced age, and being still hale, hearty and happy.

James Whitehead

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